Monday, September 22, 2014

Millennials and Social Services

By: Annabelle Gonzalez

Catalyst Miami connects people to economic opportunity through the Prosperity Campaign. The health component of this campaign focuses on securing access to basic needs services and healthcare for all age groups. There is an underrepresentation of  college students accessing these health services, even though they access other services and programs. Younger individuals who are currently enrolled in higher education institutions are not applying for services made readily available to them.

 Catalyst Miami's Prosperity Campaign assists community residents in applying for benefits like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Medicaid. All of the services offered at Catalyst Miami are open to the public. However, it is important to engage the younger generation. Millennials account for a large portion of the population. Their size goes hand-in-hand with the limitations they are facing. They are the generation with, “higher levels of student loan debt, poverty and unemployment, and lower levels of wealth and personal income” than older generations (Pew). Millennials cannot afford to shy away from help.

           If you are interested in applying for SNAP or Medicaid or any of the other services we offer, contact Catalyst Miami and schedule an appointment at (305) 576-5001. These programs are not limited to individuals enrolled in college; they are open to all individuals and families that meet the designated criteria. We are also connected with many partners who also offer great services.