Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Voting Just Got Easier with TurboVote!

Written by Jennifer Villaroel, Catalyst Miami Summer Intern

In 1790, the United States voting law only permitted white adult property-owning males to 
cast their to vote. Today however, thanks to the tireless efforts of trailblazers of
the past 
who fought for increased suffrage, all American citizens over 18 years old may vote regardless their race, color or gender. The work is not yet done however to make sure all voices can be be heard. For example, thousands of African-Americans and Latinos who are eligible to vote are underrepresented in local and national elections every year. Additionally, new Florida laws make it harder for community-based organizations to register people to vote.

One way Catalyst Miami is trying to tackle the problem of voter disenfranchisement is by promoting “TurboVote,” a free and easy-to-use technology that allows users to register to vote online, as well as sign up for election reminders, so you never miss an election! 

We believe that promoting and facilitating the use of TurboVote within our community can create change, and we hope you will help us spread the word to increase the number of voters in Florida. Together we can build a more democratic nation.

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