Thursday, January 9, 2014

Job Security as a Result of Volunteering: These Are the Facts

Blog Feature:
Yesenia Rojas

An important deciding factor for many job interviews nowadays is probably something most applicants overlooked in the past: volunteering.

Recent studies conducted by the NCoC have proved that civic participation is clearly related to economic stability. The 2011 and 2012 reports show that engagement in nonprofit activities, trust and teamwork are linked directly to financial and social success in our communities.

With U.S. employment rates plummeting in recent years it seems volunteer work may offer a solution to citizens who are looking to secure jobs and become eligible for competitive salaries.

According to the CNCS (Corporation for National and Community Service) “volunteers have a 27 percent higher likelihood of finding a job after being out of work than non-volunteers.”

The deciding factor for finding employment was not affected by demographics or work experience in the least. In fact, the rate of employment sky rocketed among people without high school degrees and those residing in rural areas.

Not only do volunteers living in these areas have a 55 percent higher likelihood of getting a job but volunteers without a high school diploma have a 51 percent heightened probability than those without civic experience.

Other facts support the undeniable correlation:

  • The NCoC studies are proving that civic life must integrated in all of society to protect the job market, economic success and a strong nonprofit presence in our society.
  • Community leaders in varying areas must help bridge the gap between businesses and civic involvement. They should support government policies that invest in solidifying “social cohesion” thru volunteering.

Everyone should work together to achieve the obviously reasonable solution to many of the economic fumbles we face—civically strong communities will withstand greater issues and grow with increasing citizen participation.

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