Saturday, July 2, 2011

A PLTI Graduation

By: Bianca Mijares, Catalyst Miami Intern

The Parent Leadership Training Institute (PLTI)'s graduation took place this week on Tuesday evening at the Miami Beach Community Church. The Institute graduated a total of sixteen parents and eighteen children this year.

PLTI is a twenty week program for parents and children that includes a ten week course on leadership and a ten week civics program with a corresponding community project for parents. The children who participate go through a similar process as their parents with similar themes about leadership and community engagement and their ability to affect change in a kid-friendly way.

Raquel Regalado, a school board member from District 6, was the guest speaker at this year's graduation. She told a personal story of when she learned to step up to lead when she saw something she did not think is fair. She encourages others to do the same, and congratulated us on our leadership program for children alongside their parents. In fact, she will be presenting a certificate of recognition to Catalyst Miami for this program at the next School Board meeting on July 13.

Gretchen Beesing, Vice President for Civic Life at Catalyst Miami, as well as one of the facilitators for the second phase of the PLTI program, called this year's graduating class, "outstanding and passionate," and one of the "best groups that she has worked with." She shared that she was tremendously moved as she witnessed the powerful bonding of the group.

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